Los fundadores de la banda, Slash, Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum y Dave Kushner anunciaron tras un comunicado de prensa, el alejamiento de Scott Weiland de Velvet Revolver. (1 de abril)
En el anuncio, Slash declaro:
"This band is all about its fans and its music, and Scott Weiland isn't 100% committed to either,". El continuo, "Among other things, his increasingly erratic onstage behavior and personal problems have forced us to move on."
La respuesta de Weiland tardo 24hs en llegar, y hasta sugirio de forma ironica a Sebastian Bach (ex Skid Row), como nuevo vocalista. Bach junto con Weiland eran los maximos candidatos en el inicio del proyecto para encargarse del trabajo.
"In response to Slash's comment regarding my commitment [to the band], I have to say it is a blatant and tired excuse to cover up the truth. The truth of the matter is that the band had not gotten along on multiple levels for some time.
"Good hunting, lads — I think Sebastian Bach would be a fantastic choice."
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